Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Civil and patriotic education is a priority of education at the present stage of society development. Traditional forms of work (lectures, lesson, class hours) does not allow to generate inner attitude in students, so the new methods and techniques, providing an active position of schoolchildren and experience of socially approved independent work, are in necessity. Excursions in the school museum conducted by trainees can be regarded as a form of such work. But the organization of excursions or preparation of the exhibition requires forming of appropriate competences in schoolchildren. Teachers working in this area have experienced a number of scientific and methodological, methodical and organizational difficulties. The temporary creative team has analyzed existing practices in this field, has taken into account the shortcomings, and has used the best practices of educational institutions. The methodology and technology training of tour guides for museums in educational organizations are summarized in the program "Young Tour Guide School". The article presents additional educational program for school museums tour guides, developed by experts of Center for children and youth tourism and excursions in Yaroslavl region, staff of Agency for Tourism in Yaroslavl region, and scientists from leading universities of Yaroslavl. The program includes curriculum, methodical and didactic support. The authors have developed assessment criteria of the effectiveness of this educational program, which allows monitoring the educational activity. The article describes two possible models of implementation of the program and outlines the prospects for its development and improvement. Additional educational program "Young Tour Guide School", submitted in the article, has been tested and has proven its effectiveness for the formation of experience of independent public action of students.

additional educational program, interagency cooperation, a school museum, museum pedagogy

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