Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers value and essence of business and enterprise activity in work of economic entities. Enterprise activity is covered in total with business activity and their interrelation and interdependence are considered. The logic of research of a problem begins with prerequisites of emergence and degree of need of the considered types of activity for successful function of the economic subjects carrying out economic activity, and develops in definition of a place of enterprise activity in domestic economy. The article opens the question of possibility of successful existence of organization without the elements of business activity and considers objective and subjective factors and conditions impacting on development and realization of enterprise activity. It is noted that "civilized" business that includes an indispensable element -business and enterprise activity, creates conditions of competitive interaction, creation of the new benefits of society, and influences over its dynamics of development. The spesial attention is paid to incentives and restrictions of enterprise activity in domestic economy and to possible prospects of its development. Enterprise activity can be understood as some kind of business activity. Economic motives underlie in a basis of both of them. Authors study the prerequisites of emergence and degree of need of the considered types of activity for successful function of the economic subjects carrying out economic activity. Is it possible the successful existence of the organization without elements of business activity? As far as business activity is the cornerstone of dynamics, defines the directions of development of the organization and directly effects on formation of its competitiveness, so naturally, success of the organization depends on its business activity. It is theoretically possible to assume that emergence of the organizations was, to some extent, a consequence of manifestation of business activity. Thus, business activity – a necessary element of activity of the organization.

enterprise activity, business activity, enterprise

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