Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Agrotourism promotes not only countryside development, but also development of region as a whole. However, nothing can happen of itself, so every movement needs a push. And this is truly for agrotourism. The state has the means to support activities in the field of rural tourism, and particularly agrotourism. Thus, it can and should be a driving force. State support is reflected in the existing normative legal acts, regulating these types of tourism activity, as well as in the creation of new programs and projects for the development of rural areas. Unfortunately, the legal restrictions that appear on the basis of existing laws interfere with full realization of the state support programs. For example, only legal entity, having financial security, liability insurance, able to follow the cultural and environmental side of its activity, can be engaged in agrotourism. Today this fact hampers the development of this type of tourism. Therefore, in the near future, regulatory and legal framework for this and other similar issues should be settled. In addition to the direct support of agrotourism activities, an important task of government programs is to engage entrepreneurs, especially among rural people, in this activity.

agrotourism, the rule of law, legal agricultural relations, agrotourism associations

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