Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Classification of hotel business is currently one of the most pressing issues of the hotel industry. The article examines the issues related to classification problems of hotel enterprises in the Russian Federation. The authors consider the main legal documents, in which the classification of hotel enterprises is reflected, analyze the main advantages of passing the procedure of classification for hotel companies, and justify that the introduction of a mandatory classification of hotel business in our country will contribute to the development of this sector. The article considers the main problems that obstruct the hotel companies to pass the classification. Particular emphasis is placed on methods of stimulating hospitality enterprises to pass the classification of accommodation facilities. The article distinguishes and describes the characteristics of the positive dynamics after the passage of this classification. The authors conclude that namely state should be interested in stimulating of hotel businesses to get the category and that it can impact on movement of hotel industry of the Russian Federation on a new level.

hotel, classification of hotel enterprises, hotel business, improving competitiveness

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