The scientific and practical problems of investment and social development of the tourist industry are investigated. The analysis of condition and tendencies of investment processes development in tourism branch is carried out, as well as priority directions of investment in the national industry of tourism are revealed. It is established that successful development of the tourism industry is impossible without active influence of the state on conditions of its functioning. Participation of the state will consist in development of the actions containing the following: establishment of tax privileges, protection against the double taxation; sale, rent of the ground or objects of infrastructure priced below market rates; direct grants, granting of guarantees under investments with the purpose of attraction of foreign investors. The system of actions in context of creation of the favorable investment environment in tourism sphere is offered. It include establishment of the rate of profit tax for priority directions of activity (incoming and internal tourism); tax exemption of means invested in construction or reconstruction of tourism objects; credit relaxation for making investments with indemnification of difference in rates by the state for firms focused on incoming and internal tourism; adjustment of investment insurance system in tourism and so forth. Complex model of maintenance of tourism industry competitiveness, which takes into account system action of the investment factors providing functioning and development of economic subjects at horizontal level (technologies, infrastructure, competition, demand, adjacent branches), is developed. The given factors are included in uniform vertical of management (national economy - tourism - regional tourist complex - tourism enterprise) and are subordinated to the strategic purpose - to maintenance of tourism sphere competitiveness in system of national economy of the Russian Federation. It is proved that maintenance of steady development of the tourism industry appreciably should be based on infrastructure modernization of tourism and recreational sphere. It is necessary to introduce the special investment mode for assistance to construction and reconstruction of hotels and other objects of a tourism infrastructure that will induce foreign and domestic investors to put means in the tourism industry.
investment activity, tourism, infrastructure, social development
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