Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The cluster approach in the tourism industry in transition economies is very relevant and is associated with a number of features in the industry. The article reveals the concept and features of a regional tourism cluster, traces the genesis of this concept, examines the objective conditions for the emergence of a cluster and its elements and structure. The author distinguishes stages of cluster formation and analyzes the factors and possible ways of development. The author substantiates the necessity for use of the cluster approach in tourism and the formation of regional tourism clusters performing the socio-economic, natural and ecological, recreational and economic functions in the entities’ territories of the Russian Federation. An emerging regional tourism and recreation cluster of Belgorod region is considered as the object of the study. Taking into account the assessment of the tourism potential, the level of infrastructure development, transport, environment, territorial structure of the region, the author conducted zoning of Belgorod region and identified seven tourism and recreation areas, outlined the prospects of their development. This study has allowed to determine in the region potential inter-regional clusters emerging, developing and having possibilities to be created. Military and historical, rural, event tourism are recognized as the promising development directions of regional tourism cluster. According to the author’s opinion, the creation of the cluster system will significantly improve the efficiency of the regional tourism market and strengthen its competitive position in the Russian market of the tourism industry.

tourism cluster, the cluster approach, region, development, management

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