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Abstract (English):
The article examines innovative project to promote tourism in mono-cities of the Republic of Tatarstan: Naberezhnye Chelny, Chistopol, Zelenodolsk, Yela- buga and Kamskie Polyana. These single-industry towns have potential for the development of the river, environmental and industrial tourism. But at the same time, historical and cultural potential have only Chistopol, Yelabuga, Zelenodolsk. In aggregate, using tourism potential of the monocities in the Republic of Tatarstan, taking into account river transport communications, can create a single tourist cluster. The waters of the Volga and Kama rivers, rich forests, features of ethnocultural traditions of the peoples of Tatarstan formed during centuries-old history and richness of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the towns of the Republic of Tatarstan, could be a main component of the new tourism direction. In addition, historical and industrial potential concentrated in the territory of single-industry towns, are an attractive base for guided tours and sightseeing. Creative approach to such form of tourism activity makes it possible to attract both the older people, who remember the tradition of the Komsomol construction projects, and youth not indifferent to the unusual perception of industrial architecture of the Soviet period. The success of the project depends on the mobilization of state and municipal capacity, and the initiative of local business and citizens. Important role in upgrading the tourist infrastructure in single-industry towns of Tatarstan should play a public-private partnership. In addition, the tourism development in mono-cities of the Republic of Tatarstan will effectively affect their economic, social and cultural appearance.

mono-city, diversification of the economy, tourism and recreational potential, tourist destination, city-forming enterprises
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