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Abstract (English):
The article examines the problems of organizational and economic providing professional and public assessment of the quality of educational programs for the hospitality industry. The author analyzes the typical features of long-termdevelopment trends in educational programs for the service and hospitality industry, such as the growth of mobility, globalization, accessibility and active using Internet, the introduction of innovations and the use of modern educational technologies, the internationalization and diversification of educational programs, an effective system of teacher training, integration educational and scientific organizations, increasing the effectiveness of image management improving the quality of education. The article substantiates role of conducting professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs in assessing the quality of educational programs for the service and hospitality industry. The author explains the problem of low interest on the part of employers in the process of assessing the quality of educational programs for the service and hospitality industry, and offers options for involving employers in the process of assessing the quality of educational programs. The author also determines role of organizational and economic support of professional and public assessment of the quality of educational programs for the service and hospitality industry. The article shows various forms of establishing communication between the structural divisions of the educational organization and students during assessing the quality of educational programs. The author draws conclusion about the problems and perspectives of organizational and economic support of the professional and public assessment of the quality of educational programs for the service and hospitality industry and suggests possible options for its improvement.

educational programs, service and hospitality industry, quality assessment, professional and public evaluation, professional and public accreditation, educational organizations45
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