Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Due to “Intra-marketing” is a rare and underrated concept at now, in this article attempts to compose a holistic point of view on this definition. It regards the un-system-defined developing of inner organizational marketing methods and its realization implementation at enterprises. The inner organizational marketing variety concepts analysis allowed to mark two inner organizational marketing methods, and to suggest the author’s classification principles. The article contents four groups of inner organizational marketing methods. For each group are mentioned the experts appropriate definitions, as well as provided an intra-marketing realization analysis for the big commercial banks. Moreover, the article contents the required information for intra-marketing nature and objectives common comprehension. The information presented can serve as a theoretical basis for further research in this area. It can also be useful in the intra-marketing implementation in the domestic banking sector enterprises.

marketing, intra-marketing, internal organizational marketing, internal marketing, in-house marketing departments interaction, communication, customer, personnel management

Термин «внутриорганизационный маркетинг» был введен в научный оборот в конце 1980-х годов известным исследователем К. Гронроосом. По существу этим ученым впервые был обозначен процесс создания определённых условий труда, активно формирующих клиентоориентированное поведение сотрудников, непосредственно вступающих во взаимодействие с потребителями [8].


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