Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the basic principles of sustainable development of auto tourism in Russia. The authors provide an analysis of the basic principles and types of sustainable development of caravanning and a formalized model of rational needs of sustainable development for a caravanning destination. The basic resources needed for sustainable development such destinations: efficient use of resources through re-use and management of savings with the use of modern innovative technical and technological solutions; maintaining the existing biodiversity in the destination through the protection and restoration of the natural heritage, protection of rare species of wild fauna and flora, restrictions on activities in trailering, reculturing territories, creating protected areas, etc; involvement of local communities in the territory of the decision-making process for trailering development; conducting responsible marketing for trailering to minimize pressure on the ecosystem at the maximum beneficial effects of tourism on destinations and on the regional economy due to uniform distribution of autotourists’ flows’ in time and space.

sustainable development of tourism, car, camping, caravanning

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