Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the authors´ systematization of strategies for managing retail banking businesses with the disclosure of the methods and forms, and that provides an overview of the strategies used, the methods and forms of the retail banking business. This systematization allows developing new models of strategies that take into account the interaction of business, society and the public to ensure the balance of risks and effectiveness of activities, including at each stage of the organization of the retail banking business. The success of the forms and methods of retail business is determined, above all, by adequate view of the situation in the market and well-built strategies of banks. An integrated approach is needed to the selection and development strategy of the bank, combining orientation on customer needs and the ability of the developed strategy to form a high-quality and reliable customer base. Currently, banks create more flexible development strategies for their businesses which are able to adapt, if necessary, to the new market conditions with minimal losses for the bank or compensate for the sharp transition to a different strategy and not to lose customers. At the same time, on the part of customers, there are many factors that determine their choice of a bank. The analysis allowed us to formulate the factors that make up a system of incentives in the choice /change of the bank in today´s conditions, which vary depending on the regions of the Russian Federation, standards of living of the population, socio-economic and political situation in the country.

retail banking, banking services, forms and methods, strategies.

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