Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the relationship to ensure the rights and freedoms of participants in the proceedings and other persons in the process of application and the election of preventive measures involving deprivation of liberty. The decision on measures of restraint in the form of home arrest must be justified by specific factual circumstances. They may not be data untested in court, in particular the results of operational-investigative activity granted in violation of the requirements of Art. 89 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The legislator leaves the list of premises open to the court with the circumstances of the case where it shall be entitled to decide on the specific premises for the execution of home arrest at its discretion. The Court needs to check the base of residence of the suspect or the accused in a particular dwelling. That must be a house where the defendant resides, where his property and / or the family resides. Location of home arrest may be outside the municipality, in the territory of which the preliminary investigation on the condition that this would not preclude the implementation of the criminal proceedings, in particular bringing the person in the body of inquiry or preliminary investigation body and the court. The essence of home arrest as a preventive measure, a specific set of prohibitions and restrictions are analyzed. At the same time the court should take into account the identity of the suspect or the accused. Necessary additions are proposed to the law to regulate the process of preparing a preventive measure.

preventive measure, participants in criminal proceedings, imprisonment.

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