Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the Bulgakov´s novel, "Master and Margarita", it is said that people are spoilt by the housing problem. But, probably, and in today´s society it is more than ever, and for most Russians the housing problem remains a major issue. Contrary to popular belief about the novelty of the mortgage, it has been around for a long time, since the time of the Archon Solon, who lived in the VI BC. But in Russia, the first mention of the so-called "mortgage" is dated XIII century. In XVIII-XIX centuries under Catherine II and Alexander II mortgage loans were most actively developed. However, at the beginning of the XX century, after the October Revolution of 1917, the concept of "mortgage" gradually disappeared from everyday life and considered as a "bourgeois phenomenon". The origin of the "new" Russian mortgage started in the early 90s of the twentieth century, but only by 2000, there have been real positive conditions and trends of its development. Mortgage as a form of solution of housing problem is widely discussed by legislators, society and the media. It is difficult to find legal or economic magazine or newspaper, which had not raised the issue of mortgage and related numerous problems. It happens that the opinions of authors on various issues differ, but one thing they are in agreement – it is necessary to develop the mortgage. The article deals with current issues of lending to households and features of home mortgages.

loans, housing mortgage.

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