Современные проблемы защиты прав российских туристов
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problem of ensuring the rights of Russian tourists - one of the most acute and unsolved. Multiple cases of death Russian citizens and infliction injury to their health during foreign tours, theft of property, improper fulfillment of contract terms in transport and accommodation, lack of high culture of service - the most typical range of violations of the rights of compatriots, considered by the author. The most important normative legal acts in tourism are considered in the article and conclude about the need to improve the mechanism of protection of the tourist’s rights is made. The most promising ways to protect the rights of tourists are revealed by the author. These include: maintaining the register of tourist companies with their compulsory registration, increased contributions to the funds of tourism associations cooperating with tourist companies, in the interests of tourists. The official publication of comments about tourist companies as a preventive measure for protecting the rights of tourists from the activities of unscrupulous tourist agencies is offered. Author offers the organizational ways of protection the rights of tourists: providing for tourists together with a voucher, ticket and contract for rendering of tourist services and other necessary information - a guide, a map of the state of stay, the appropriate dictionary, telephone handbook of destination in their native language, annex to the contract which would revealed the full range of services included in the tour ticket. The article concludes that need to create the appropriate legal, financial, social, cultural, and other conditions for the safe and favorable recreation of Russian tourists abroad, which largely depends on the coordinated interaction of public and social sectors.

typical violations in the field of tourism, law regulation of protecting the rights of tourists, methods of protecting the rights of tourists

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