Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of the current state and prospects of development of volunteering in tourism and voluntourism. The correlation between the concepts "volunteering", "volunteering in tourism" and "voluntourism" is disclosed; the short historical information about development of volunteering and voluntourism is given; the examples of classic tourism volunteer movement (participation of volunteers in the Olympic games in China, programs of World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, projects like Hampton Save-A-Landmark, Turtle Teams, Conservation Volunteers, Appalachian Trail Conference, Tourist guide in HF Holidays, Help Exchange, United Nations Volunteers, Move Nepal and others) and tours as part of the voluntourism (international environmental expedition to Costa Rica, lake Baikal, mount Everest, the Inca Trail, programs of The China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda, Inti Wara Yassi, Earthwatch Institute) are described. The fundamental difference between these two different in form and principles of the organization types of the volunteer movement is also formulated. The article describes the present-day state and prospects of development of tourism volunteering in Russia, and among others accentuates activities of Centers for Volunteers Training, Regional centers of the tourism development, Association of volunteer centers, Volunteer tourism center of Moscow. The article presents current tourism programs and projects, which implemented in Russia such as events (sports), museums ("The Hermitage Friends Club", shares the State Darwin Museum, Polytechnical Museum, State Museum of стр. 20 из 206 Gulag History), archeological (projects of Eastern Bosporus archaeological expedition of the RAS and the fund "Archaeology"), environmental ("Great Baikal Trail" and others). At the end the list of recommendations for the development and support of travel volunteering and voluntourism on the territory of the Russian Federation is made.

volunteering, volunteering in tourism, voluntourism, international volunteer organization, voluntourism programmes and projects, the current state of travel volunteering development, prospects of voluntourism development.

Во многих странах мира волонтёрство уже давно получило широкое

распространение. В социальном развитии его роль была высоко оценена на международном

уровне. Именно поэтому ресурс добровольчества все чаще становится объектом

исследований в области социологии, педагогики, психологии, права, а теперь еще и

туризма. Волонтёрская деятельность создает возможности для социально активной

молодежи помочь другим, найти поддержку и ощутить общественную ценность

выполняемой ими работы, реализовать свой потенциал, получить определённые

жизненные навыки, сформировать эффективный стиль жизни. В этом контексте стоит

обратить внимание на современное состояние и перспективы развития именно

туристического волонтёрского движения.


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