Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Article is devoted to the development dynamics of tourism as a sport and the association of additional education of tourist and local lore orientation in the Russian Federation, as well as the impact of adopted legal acts (Sanitary Rules and Regulations, Registration of kayaks and other tourist ships in the State Small Vessels Inspectorate and others) on the dynamics of children and youth tourism development. The authors raise the issues of reforming the system of additional children education caused by the reduction of tourism associations of local lore profile, their merger with non-core educational institutions of additional children education, as well as the adoption of unreasoned legal acts related to youth tourism. The article presents comparative analysis of development indicators of youth tourism in the system of additional education and sports tourism during 1991-2014. The authors examine dynamics of sports tourism development as a kind sport and study a change in the number of children involved in the tourist and local history associations using official statistics. The following documents and legal acts are the basis of research: summary reports of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation according to the statistical form 1-DO "Additional Children Education Establishment: Information" over the period of 2010-2014, summary reports of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation “Physical Culture & Sports: Information. 1-FC" over the period of 2003–2014, official reports of the sport tourism mass competitions results in sport discipline "walking distance". The authors found that during twenty-three years the greatest increase in the number of children engaged in tourism activity and changes in the number of tent camps have been observed after the abolition of unreasoned legal documents. Monitoring of statistical data leads to the conclusion that the sphere of youth tourism needs attention from the state, and it has repeatedly been mentioned in scientific works of professionals in tourism.

children and youth tourism, sports tourism, the number of children engaged in tourism educational activity, hiking, statistics

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