The article analyses the higher educational market in the sphere of socio-economic training in Novosibirsk region. The authors identify and analyze the factors affecting the enrollment of the first year students on a contract basis, and determine the market share of the leading universities in Novosibirsk region in socio-economic areas of training for full-time studies in bachelor's programs. The authors have analyzed the information of admission commissions of the leading universities in Novosibirsk region, obtained from their sites. Based on this information they determine the factors affecting the figures of enrolling on the commercial form of training: the minimum score of USE determined by each university for entry, the availability of state-funded place, the training cost, the availability of a hostel and the development of the social infrastructure of the university, the university marketing strategy effectiveness. It is noted that the existing market of educational services is characterized by a transition from quantitative indicators of recruitment of students to financial ones that affect the stability of the educational organization. The authors define the market shares, which are occupied by the largest higher educational institutions of the region. It is established that the reduction in the number of budget places and the increase in the number of places on a contract basis is one of the features of the educational services market. The work establishes and analyzes the statistical dependence between the number applicants and the number of first year students. The modern educational market forces the universities to develop the system of vocational guidance activities: open days, Olympiads for schoolchildren on the site of the university, vocational guidance meetings in schools, excursions to the university, sports competitions between schoolchildren and students, the preparation of schoolchildren for Olympiads by the teachers of the university, the e-learning system for schoolchildren, the answers the questions of entrants in social networks. Without such vocational guidance activities the enrollment of students on a contract basis becomes extremely difficult. The article examines the market of educational services in socio-economic areas of training under bachelor's programs, and allocates the factors influencing its formation.
educational market in socio-economic areas of training; structure of the educational market, the capacity of the educational market
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