Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the role of coordination in the development of tourism and in increasing social and economic benefits of tourism activities. Defined is the concept of "coordination" with regard to tourism activities. The article examines levels of coordination in tourism: global (international), national, regional (local). The author suggests the definition of the concept of "coordination mechanism improving the socio-economic benefits of tourism activities." The article considers its practical manifestation in the regions of the Baikal area (Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia), demonstrating that, despite the presence in these tourist destinations of public and private institutions that are able to coordinate the sphere of recreation and tourism, the effects of coordination mechanisms in these regions are different. That is, the effective coordination of tourist activity presupposes not only forms of coordination, but also some attributes to characterize an effective coordination mechanism. Defined are the attributes of effective coordination mechanism, which include: the ability of the central coordinating unit to coordinate goals, business processes and actions of actors in sphere of recreation and tourism; the presence of a single information system, which determines the method for producing and distributing information among actors in the sphere of recreation and tourism; adequate organizational structure of the central coordinating unit; the overall strategy of forming relationships between actors in the sphere of recreation and tourism; a system for monitoring coordination; informal relations. The author conducts an analysis of the relevant coordination mechanisms to improve the socio-economic benefits of tourism activities in the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. It is concluded that to improve the socio-economic benefits of tourism activities there is a need for not only a coordinating mechanism per se, but also its corresponding efficient attribute.

coordination, coordination mechanism, socio-economic efficiency, tourist activities, tourism.

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